Natural Farm Fresh Fruits

We deliver natural fruits & vegetables fresh from our fields to your doorstep.

Quality Products

Choose from a Wide Selection of our quality products…

Natural Legume

Legumes help in increasing biological matter and microbial biomass.

Currated Products

from Handpicked Sellers


Made with passion by 300+
curators across the country.

100% Natural

Eat local, consume local,
closer to nature.

+1,000 fresh products daily!

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Top Rank Farms

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Trusted Products

Sundry Agro is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of natural foods. Now people, especially those living in busy urban cities can place orders online and have products delivered to them timely and efficiently. Our platform will save people time and effort from going to the local market themselves, thus enabling customers focus on more important aspects of their lives.


Through our e-commerce shopping platform, buyers can create a user account, place orders for their favourite Agro products, make payments easily, and have their products procured and delivered through our “personal shoppers” nationwide.

Support Center

+234 904 782 1471